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Event | Webinars

Presentation: Sleep well

Area:  People Development
Duration: 90 minutes

Presentation – English version
Please click here 

to download the presentation

Who should attend the webinar?

  • Senior Partners / Partners
  • Directors / Managers
  • HR / L&D professionals
  • Nexia members of all levels are welcome to attend and should benefit.

About the workshop

Sleep; the golden ticket to feeling good, working productively and having positive interactions with others around us.

But too often we feel sleep deprived, leaving us irritable, impatient and exhausted. There are many different elements that could be affecting our sleep, but one thing’s certain, it seems more challenging than ever to get a good night’s sleep and to wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

We focus less on having a perfect night’s sleep every night, and rather impart practical information that can help attendees improve the quality of their sleep and get more sleep than they’re currently getting.

In this interactive 90 minute workshop you will uncover the less obvious reasons why your sleep is not as effective as it could be and develop a personal sleep plan to improve your energy level, overall happiness and productivity.


  • Identify your chronotype and how it impacts your ability to sleep well
  • Learn about REM and non-REM sleep cycles and why they are important
  • Why do we find it hard to sleep well?
  • The benefits of sleep and how much is enough?
  • The less obvious causes of insomnia
  • Sleep hygiene and optimizing our nutrition, environment, and habits for better sleep
  • Mindfulness and other exercises to help encourage deep sleep
  • Make a personal sleep plan

Facilitator:   Sophie Lockwood – Coach, Facilitator and Mindfulness Trainer from Luminate

Sophie is a mindfulness trainer, cognitive behavioural coach, Mental Health First Aider and  Luminate facilitator.

Sophie’s passion for mental health advocacy stems from her experiences of supporting close  friends and family members through their own mental health struggles. Following a period of  poor personal mental health as a result of a high-pressure work environment, Sophie made a  career change into workplace wellbeing and retrained as a mindfulness teacher – specialising in  both Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy – and as a  cognitive behavioural coach.

Sophie strongly believes in the power of proactive and preventative measures to support mental  health and wellbeing. She enjoys working with companies across all different industries to help  their employees discover the tools to help them be happier and healthier.

If you have any questions about this interactive workshop please contact Alastair McTavish at or Laura Maestro at

  • For more details of other engaging future webinars and workshops please click here
  • For information about our 2022 Leadership and Professional Development programmes that were attended by 115 Nexians last year please click here
  • To ensure you and all your staff benefit from high-quality complimentary Audit, IFRS and professional skills digital learning and live IFRS webinars please register on  and  click here to download a fantastic short guide to the site to help you get the best from all the learning resources available.

Area:  People Development
Duration: 90 minutes


Area:  People Development
Duration: 90 minutes