This event has ended
Area: People Development
Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation – English version
Please click here to download the presentation
Please click here to download the personal wellness plan and click here to downlaod the stress container exercise
Who should attend this interactive workshop?
This workshop is suitable for staff of all levels from Trainee up to Managing Partner level. Member firms are welcome to register as many employees as you wish to attend.
About the workshop
With the pressure to work harder and longer in a culture where overworking is often celebrated, it's not surprising that more of us are feeling exhausted, depleted and burnt out. In this interactive 90 minute virtual workshop you will learn how to reduce stress and the chances of burning out.
The pace at which we’re living and working is often unsustainable, but we don’t always know how to make the changes needed to gain a sense of balance and stay in good mental health.
In this session, we aim to better understand the road to burnout. We will draw on evidence based methods to help us manage our wellbeing, mitigate stress, and avoid burn out.
Please note: This will be an interactive session with the use of the chat function and you are encouraged to turn your camera on if you can.
Facilitator: Jana Nightingale – Coach and Facilitator, Luminate
She is a mindfulness and meditation teacher and has taught these
disciplines in a variety of different settings from corporate workplaces to
community hubs.
She is supervised by the Mindfulness Centre for Excellence London, to
ensure she is working in safe practice and who support her work in
optimising clients’ work- performance and improving wellbeing.
If you have any questions about this interactive workshop please contact Alastair McTavish at
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